RNCP: a French government certification
CEFAM offers the advantage of conferring a Level 7 degree, certified by the French government, upon program graduates.

What is a government certified degree?
Certification by the French government, and registration with the RNCP, is awarded by an inter-departmental committee managed by the French Department of Labor and the Prime Minister.
This certification brings true professional recognition to a degree. As an example, the specialized master’s degrees awarded by some of France’s best schools after 5 or 6 years of higher education are certified as Level 7 degrees.
CEFAM awards its Level 7 degree to those students who have completed the French-American program.
The CEFAM Degree, Certified by the French government
The following degrees are awarded upon completion of the CEFAM programs:
- Level 7 Degree: « Manager des organisations à l’international » (enregistré au RNCP sous le numéro 39382 par décision de France Compétences en date du 19 juillet 2024, Code NSF 310m).
Certification by the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) is based primarily on the acquisition and assessment of professional competencies, alumni salaries, and the consistency be CEFAM allows its students to simultaneously earn 2 degrees (one French and the other American) in partnership with American universities accredited by the AACSB, the gold standard in quality for business schools throughout the world.